Starting School

Transition to school is not just a process that happens in the last few weeks of a child’s nursery year. Helping children to be resilient, confident learners, who settle well into school is a process that takes time.
Family Hub

Child Exploitation Drop-In Session


Family Hub - Barrow Library - 21st March 3pm - 5pm.

Drop in Session with the Child Exploitation Team & Child Centered Policing

Do you have worries or concerns that your child or a child that you know may be being exploited for sexual or criminal activity?

Do you want to speak to someone about your concerns or discuss your worries?

Do you want to know about support available for those affected by exploitation?

It is everyone’s responsibility to safeguard young people against Child Exploitation, you don’t have to do this alone!

Family Hub

'Trying New Foods' Drop-In

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The last Wednesday of every month. Barrow Library at 2:00pm to 4:30pm.

Terrific Toddlers

Terrific Toddlers



A fun and exciting 6 week course to help you learn, play, wean and potty train with your Toddler.

Suitable for Toddlers up to 3 years old and walking.

Coming soon to a venue near you.

Keep and eye on our Facebook Page - Family Hubs in Barrow-in-Furness for details of times, venues and booking.

For anyone aged 11 - 16. At Barrow Library after school anytime from 3:30pm

Homework and Wellbeing Club


At Barrow Library on Thursdays after school any time from 3:30pm

For anyone aged 11-16.

Is it all about homework? No, you can bring your school work, but also just chill, have snacks and meet others!